A Creative Use for Celery - Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day is a great time to remind your child about the importance of showing others you are thinking about them. Rather than focus on store bought valentines and candy, encourage your child to make his/her own valentines with simple, personal messages.

celery heart

celery heart

The Activity: Homemade valentines with celery hearts, from www.howweelearn.comHow It Works: Cut a stalk of celery in half. You’ll notice that the point where you cut creates a heart shape. Dip the heart-shaped bottom of the stalk into paint, and stamp hearts onto blank paper valentines. Once the paint has dried, work with your child to write a simple, short message to show the recipient that he/she is thought about. Choosing one thing the recipient has said or done for which you are grateful can be a wonderful topic to write about.How It Helps: Regularly showing others we are thinking about them, whether through our words or behaviors, builds social trust over time. Letting others know why they are special to us is a great way to ensure they have good, happy thoughts about us in the moment and in the future. Choosing something specific that you like about someone else to write on their valentine offers great practice for further developing perspective-taking skills and social awareness.Additional information and directions for this valentine idea can be found at: http://www.howweelearn.com/celery-heart-stamped-valentines/