Book Works: What Does It Mean to Be Present?

Book Works are book recommendations by Communication Works (CW) that support speech, language, social and emotional growth for children.

Learning to Be Present


Mindfulness is getting lots of well-deserved attention lately, and it turns out to be an excellent strategy for teaching social and emotional skillsHonestly, it’s great for learning any new skill because it helps with focus and awareness. It also strengthens the ability to slow down and think before we speak and act. Some kids can grasp the concept of mindfulness by starting with the idea of being present. Here’s a sweet children’s story that shows kids what it does and doesn’t mean to be present.What Does It Mean to be Present? by Rana DiOrio: In this book, kids learn that being present doesn’t just mean showing up to class—it’s actually about noticing and then helping another student. The kids in the story experience moments of being present through simple actions like closing their eyes and trying to hear their inner voice; savoring each bite of food; appreciating friends, family, and what they have; and even by learning from mistakes! Read it with your child and try some of the activities in the book, or come up with your own ways to experience the feeling of being present. With practice, kids and adults alike can make progress toward learning to stay in the present and creating mindful moments in everyday life.You can buy What Does it Mean to Be Present? here: