Building Self-Esteem

This is a quick and easy game to help your child learn to recognize positive qualities in others and gives him or her an opportunity to hear positive things about him or herself from others.Catch the Compliment is an easy-to-learn game that can be played with all ages.Here’s how:

  1. Gather a selection of soft, lightweight balls (beach balls, foam balls).

  2. In a large open area (with breakables removed) gather the players into a circle.

  3. Players take turns tossing one ball to different players in the circle. As each toss is made, the tossing player gives the receiving player a compliment.

  4. The receiving player then tosses the ball to someone else, again, giving a compliment as the ball is tossed.

  5. At the end of the game, take time to ask players what was the most difficult for them, what was the easiest, and what was the funniest thing that happened during the game. Ask players to explain what they had to do to be successful at the game – listening, looking, thinking, and other skills may be mentioned.