Optimal Seating Promotes Fine Motor Skills

Correct Seating Pic

Correct Seating Pic

By Robyn Wu, OTD, OTR/L, BCP, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy at Samuel Merritt University & Pediatric Occupational Therapist at Communication WorksWhen engaging children in tabletop fine motor activities such as drawing or writing, it is important to determine whether the chair and table are a good fit for their body dimensions. Research suggests that young children exhibit better object manipulation skills and attention to task when seated in furniture that fits them properly (Smith-Zuzovsky & Exner, 2004 and Wingrat & Exner, 2005). When children are seated in chairs or at tables that are too big for them, it may impede their performance. When furniture provides sufficient postural support, children can focus their efforts more on using their hands for the task rather than on adjusting their posture.Optimal postural support is achieved when a child is seated on a stable chair with ankles, knee, and hips bent at 90 degrees and feet resting flat on the floor. The tabletop should be approximately two inches above the child’s elbow.  Simple adaptations to ensure a proper fit includes such items as footrests which can consist of telephone books or shoeboxes and seat cushions made from towels or firm blankets.