Posts tagged tools
Tools to Try: Barrier Games

We recently asked our therapists about their favorite resources for building speech, language, and social communication skills.  Jennifer Wayman’s pick was Barrier Games, which can be easily used at home, in the classroom, and in therapy sessions to provide a fun and useful way to easily tailor goals and objectives to your child’s needs. Barrier Games…

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Tools to Try: Pixar Short Films

Recently we asked our therapists to recommend resources for building speech,  language, and social communication skills. We wanted to share some of these activities that parents, teachers and other therapists may find fun and useful and that can be easily tailored for specific children’s needs.  Therapist Kevin English recommended using Pixar short films (or any…

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Tools to Try: Jenga

Our therapists often adapt commonly used games as tools for building speech, language, and social communication skills. We wanted to share some of these activities that teachers and caregivers may find fun and useful and that can be easily tailored for specific children’s needs. The first is Jenga, recommended by CW therapist Theresa Christiansen. Jenga…

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